Snowsports Programme

New Plymouth Boys’ High School has a range of skiing and snowboard options available for International Students.

The Ski Fields

Manganui Ski Area on Mt Taranaki

The Manganui Ski area  is 45 minutes away on Mount Taranaki, this is a small club ski field, The school takes part in the Taranaki School Ski Champs that take place at this field.

Turoa Ski Area on Mt Ruapehu

Turoa is a large ski field on the south western side of Mount Ruapehu, the highest mountain in the North Island of New Zealand, in Tongariro National Park. The field is 500 hectares and has a 722 metres  vertical drop. Turoa is located in the Central North Island and is a 3 hour drive from the school. As the field has more facilities, the school’s ski and snowboard championships take place on this field. International Students are encouraged to join the school championships and can travel with the ski/snowboarding and enjoy three days skiing on the mountain in late September.

The Season

The Ski/Snowboard season is from mid July to early October. All the school ski activities take place in term 3 each year.

Gear Rental and Skiing Conditions in North Island, New Zealand

The school has an arrangement with a local ski-hire operator that will allow students to hire gear and equipment for the season at very reasonable rates. We encourage students to bring their own ski clothing if they have them available.

Skiing in the North Island in New Zealand is on volcanic mountains that are not active. Ski fields are barren with no trees on the slope.

For pricing information regarding this programme, please contact the school today.